About Us


At Mobile Vehicle Repair Solutions, our mission is to help maintain and repair your vehicle in the most convenient and affordable ways possible by going against outdated and unethical practices.


I have spent the last 13 years working at all levels of the automotive repair industry. During that time, I was recruited by two large corporations and a private dealership. I have worked from the bottom to the top, from oil changer to service manager, and I have found that the prices being charged to not reflect the customers’ best interest.

Technology has given technicians the power to do jobs more accurately, and efficiently and therefore should be more cost-effective. The fact that it is the opposite in most cases tell you that something is not right. When something stinks in this world, just follow the money trail and you will always find the source of your problem. I am speaking firsthand when I say the people you come in contact with do not benefit from this.

So, how is Mobile Vehicle Repair Solutions different? We use the most up-to-date technology when performing a repair, from this website you are on until your vehicle is repaired, and we will not overchange to help pay for an owner’s flamboyant lifestyle. We need your car repairs to be as minimally impactful to you, our customer, as possible. I am also very happy and proud to say that this business will always keep Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, in the forefront of our minds and our daily practices reflect that.